Individual Spanish Classes
Individual Spanish classes in Quito or Cuenca
🔸Your teacher will assess your current level of Spanish in the first class and create a custom lesson plan for you. This will be reviewed by our academic director.
🔸Orientation and safety briefing.
🔸You can focus on your own learning needs and goals.
🔸Your teacher can adapt to your learning style and rhythm.
🔸Your teacher can incorporate extra materials to suit your interest.
🔸Your progress will be monitored by our academic director.
In addition, our administrator regularly gives a short survey to each student taking individual classes to find out if they are getting the right mix of activities and materials. Yanapuma Spanish School is dedicated to providing the very best in Spanish eduation, and our individual Spanish classes offer the optimum way to learn the Spanish language!.
Our regular individual Spanish classes follow a syllabus that is logically sequenced to lead each student to a mastery of the Spanish language. But in addition we can offer personalized Spanish classes that are designed with a specific learning goal or content area in mind. These classes cost a little more than the regular individual classes as the teacher will be doing additional research and work to prepare extra materials for class.
Students often request group classes because they imagine that this will lead to a better social experience. Our response is to make sure that outside class there is plenty of opportunity for interaction with other students. We do this by synchronizing the break times so that students can chat over a coffee. Students often get together before or after class to go eat lunch in one of the many restaurants around the school. In addition we offer a regular calendar of activities and excursions for our Spanish students that guarantee plenty of social time.